When we get involved in
relationships, the feeling of us being played or cheated on lingers in our
heart. It’s a natural phenomenon for most people, which in most cases are born
out of bitter experiences from past relationships. As this is an ever present
feeling, the need to know continues to haunt us, so we go James bond on our
partners at every opportunity that presents itself, with the objectives of
spying and intercepting enemy (opposite sex) messages.
As technology is now so
advanced, women need not to check for lipstick stains on their man’s collar.
The men now have cyber-collars which get stained more than often with the
infidelity the internet promotes. Women often times than many have been caught
snooping in their partner’s facebook and instagram account, also in their emails,
text messages and chatting apps. The act usually spurred by a hunch of
infidelity, for others it’s instinctive of them to pry while for some, they
can’t just overcome the temptation. Below are reasons why it’s not healthy to
check your spouse’s phone.
The Deeper you go, the more likely you’re to cry
Your partner’s phone is an onion. The more you go deep into it, the more likely you’re to cry. As it is known that people who go looking for trouble will always find it, which is also applicable to searching your partner’s phone for God knows what you could be looking for.
A simple message read with sentiments could be understood by you in the wrong context and assumed to be flirtatious or sexually suggestive. In truth and in all transparency the message could just be their way of having an interesting conversation, yet it gets you troubled and series of negative scenarios start playing in your head.
· Privacy is Sacred
Privacy is a sacred thing and it should be kept and treated as such. Aside checking pictures, prying into your partner’s phone is a major trespass, it never ends well. There is always a sick feeling that comes with it even if your suspicions are true and worse if your partner is as clean as a whistle. None of us will want anyone to check whatever we might have browsed on or searched on Google without our consent, however innocent these things could be. Their phone is a black book, their personal diary and it should be respected. We won’t be our actual selves if we don’t hold things back for ourselves. These things are part of our identity and we probably don’t want you to know about them. Some things are just confidential and should be accepted as such.· Things could eventually turn out well
Imagine an alternate universe, in which you were not the snoopy type, things could have been different. You wouldn’t have felt the negative emotions attributed with finding out that he or she was probably cheating. He/She probably would get over the person and stick with you. You probably wouldn’t have ruined the surprise they had planned for you, he/she would have trusted you more and your relationship would have been blissful.· What you don’t know will certainly not bother or hurt you.
You’re responsible for your happiness and you have no control over the actions of others. It’s never a nice feeling when you’re at the other end and you’re been interrogated over something your partner must have seen on your phone, particularly if it’s harmless. Jealousy is cute but it could be straight out obnoxious. So respect their privacy and avoid dating people that always raise your suspicions or people you have little trust for, because in truth such relationships are bound to crash.
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