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Saturday 5 November 2016

10 Easy Steps on How to Make It As A Successful Makeup Artist in Nigeria


By Binyelum Ewulluh
Ever wondered how makeup artists get so famous and make so money off of doing something as ‘simple’ making people’s faces up? Well, don’t stress cos we’re here to give you some tips on how you can ‘shine’…LOL!
1. Train with a good makeup school
Of course, you should know that nothing beats getting professional training. Save up some money and go get some lessons from one of them top-notch schools around. Need help? Try BMPRO, Zaron, House of Tara, MUD; and an endless list of others.

2. Open an Instagram account
What better way to advertise your skills than to show them off on Instagram? Every makeup artist MUST own an instgram account (unless of course you want to remain low-key) and make sure to post every single work you do on there.

3. Get a good camera
The quality of your photos is as important as the makeup itself. Bad cameras will definitely do your work no justice, and you should always aim to make every photo as perfect as possible.

4. Download filter apps
Don’t be deceived, a lot of successful makeup artists use some extra help to get their works to come out looking as pretty as they end up looking. Filter apps are very valuable tools for everyone who wants to run a successful makeup business.

5. Get your sisters/friends to be your models
Gather as many sisters and friends as you have and beat their faces regularly. This way, you’ll have pictures to put up and show off on social media.

6. Make sure your brows are always on fleek!
Ladies, never go out with badly or hurriedly drawn brows, for any reason whatsoever. Brows are the major selling points of makeup and you want to leave a good impression at all times.

7. Befriend other makeup artists
You need to target the most popular makeup artists and try to get them to be your friends. Stalk their pages, get friendly, comment on their posts and suggest meet ups if possible. You need to know who they know, see what they see, breathe the same air as them. Let them show you the way!

8. Famz celebs
This is another reason why you need to be friendly with other people that do what you do. A lot of them know celebs and work for them from time to time. You know what gets everyone excited? Celebrities!
Nothing says ‘I’m a pro’ better than a well-known celeb smiling on your page, with her face-beat done by good ol’ you.
Follow them around and sell yourself to them. Some of them are actually very nice and supportive, and just might end up falling in love with your work.

9. Be creative
You cannot make a name for yourself or stand out if you are not creative with your work. You have to give people reason to come to you. Think out of the box, do crazy, outrageous styles and display them on your page. The point is to show how passionate you are about your work and show how versatile you can be.

10. Up your hustle game
No one succeeds in this business by just sitting around and waiting for clients to come to them. Girl, you have to put in work.
There you have it, ladies. Go on and live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

This post first appeared on thenet.ng


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