Li Yongzhi has become a local celebrity for his incredible addiction to red hot chilli peppers. The man has earned the nickname “Chilli King” for eating 2,5 kilos of chillies every single day and even using them as a toothpaste in the morning.

Li can’t imagine his life without hot chilli peppers

Li eats 2,5kg of peppers a day
“In the morning, other people always brush their teeth, but the first thing I do is eat chili and rinse my mouth with that. If the food has no spiciness then it has no taste. I don’t have any super powers. I just like eating and I can eat a lot. The doctors say I’m as normal as everybody else,” Mr Yongzhi said.

was crowned the ‘king of chilli’ by the provincial government of Hunan
after beating other competitors in a chilli-eating contest

Humans who consume spicy foods, especially fresh chili peppers, were less likely to die of cancer or diabetes
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