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Sunday, 29 November 2015

Tricky questions girls ask guys and how best to answer them

Women have started to evolve into biological lie detectors. One moment you’re having fun or a nice conversation with your lady, the next she has her head on your chest, listening to every single beat while staring into your eyes to discern the truth and lies. Her ears are also not left out as they detect any form of incoherence in your speech. Fear not guys, they’re not always 100% right and their emotions get in the way most times. Below are some tricky questions she’s likely to ask you and how best to answer them.

1. Do you love me?
Love  is overrated and often misused. It’s something shared by some privileged few and shouldn’t be said to just about anybody. It will be best if you say the truth when asked this question because chances are she already loves you for her to think of asking. So if you love her tell her the truth. If you don’t love her or love her yet, let her know you really like her and admire her and it’s very possible it grows into love. If you truly don’t love her and you have no iota of feeling, just say no so you can have peace of mind

2. What do you take me for?

This is a common question that comes up when you’re having a sexually related conversation with a girl and her ADM(Anti-slut Defense Mechanism) kicks in. It will be best if you avoid answering the question by pretending you didn’t hear, probably saying you don’t know or changing the topic of the conversation, because saying your perception of her is that of a good girl will be extremely generic and will sound bogus. You could also make a GOOD joke about it or a sarcastic comment. Any other thing you say aside that will be held and used against you but another way which is not so daring is to start apologizing and explaining your innocent (doubtful) intentions. Women like confident people, but apologize when you’ve crossed the line. 

3. Who’s she?

These days, girls mark territories on your picture library with lots of their pictures on it. So when they see another girl trespassing in your picture library, the “Who’s she?” question comes up. One shouldn’t have the problem of saying the truth if your intentions towards the girl in question are majorly platonic. If not my advice for you is not to be the guy that will be like, “she’s my friend or colleague that is obsessed with me and keeps sending pictures to me on different social networks.” It  will be better if you boldly tell her all the details about the girl such as her name, how you met, how close you her and you end everything with she’s a good friend. That way, everything seems innocent, you didn’t lie, you just left some things out **winks** .

4. What are we now?

This question comes up mostly after you’ve gotten physical{make out, have sex} with a girl you’re not exactly dating. Hilarious tip: You just reply with this lyric, “we’re the world, we’re the children”, but please make sure you record that moment as I would love to see what unfolds after.
“The fastest way to die is to make a girl feel used while she’s there.”- Temitope Sanyaolu. So my advice for you is to simply reply her with a question e.g. what do you think? Or nothing has really changed or what do think? Or best, what do you want us to be? If you truly care about her, you could as well ask her out at that point or say something that insinuates it. Such moments are very delicate and sensitive so answer wisely.

5. What are your plans for me?

At this point she wants to know whether you and she have a future or whether you’re just for the time being. If you have really good plans for her, make it known to her. They could be how you plan on getting a job, a new place, taking her to see your parents or relocating somewhere. It will be best if you don’t make promises because the future is never certain. Make your answers as vague as possible so she won’t be able to hold anything you don’t eventually do against you.

6. Is there someone else?

Just say the truth, there is no point leading the poor girl on unless of course you want to be selfish so she doesn’t stop all the added benefit that comes with her package, but in the case where she’s the only one, you should assure her of your affection because she probably noticed that your emotions/attention for her had started drifting. This a question to either put you back on track or  perhaps clear grounds on unanswered questions and doubts.

7. How is/are your girlfriend(s)?

Since we guys are usually single and you’re probably interested in her, you just smile, then reply with ”(the name of the girl asking the question) is fine”. It’s just a bid to know if you’re single. Other alternatives involve putting your sense of humour into play. If she pry further, the rest is left to you.

Women are body language experts and they could also be excessively dramatic, so it’s never wise to lie to them but if you respect her feelings or probably don’t want things blown out of proportions, be cautious in your response to such questions. Cheers!

culled from trendsexpress.net

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